Understanding New Orleans Gun Laws: A Comprehensive Guide

In this article, I will provide a comprehensive guide to New Orleans gun laws, including firearms regulations and the broader topic of gun control in the city.

New Orleans Gun Laws

With the ongoing debate surrounding gun control in the United States, it is crucial to understand the specific laws and regulations that apply in New Orleans. This guide will cover topics such as Second Amendment rights, firearm permits, gun purchase laws, possession and storage requirements, concealed carry regulations, local gun regulations, firearm restrictions, legal considerations, and practical tips for ensuring compliance with the law.

Whether you are a resident of New Orleans or a visitor to the city, it is essential to understand the laws governing firearms to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you. So, join me as we explore the ins and outs of New Orleans gun laws and learn how they impact our community.

Table of Contents

Second Amendment Rights in New Orleans

As an American citizen, the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the right to bear arms. However, this right is not absolute and is subject to regulation at the state and local level. In New Orleans, there are specific laws and regulations that residents must be aware of when it comes to gun ownership.

While the Second Amendment grants the right to bear arms, it also allows for reasonable regulations to promote public safety. These regulations can vary from state to state and city to city. In New Orleans, there are specific gun ownership laws that residents must adhere to.

One of the most important aspects of gun ownership in New Orleans is obtaining the proper permits and licenses. To legally purchase a firearm in the city, residents must apply for a permit through the New Orleans Police Department. This permit is required for both handguns and long guns.

Additionally, residents must also obtain a concealed carry permit if they wish to carry a concealed firearm. The process for obtaining this permit includes completing a training course and meeting other requirements as set forth by the state of Louisiana.

It is important to note that the Second Amendment does not provide protection for all types of firearms. In New Orleans, there are restrictions on certain types of firearms and magazine capacity. It is important for gun owners to stay informed about these restrictions to ensure they are in compliance with the law.

Overall, the Second Amendment right to bear arms is an important part of American culture, but it is also subject to reasonable regulation. Understanding the specific gun ownership laws in New Orleans is crucial for responsible gun ownership and promoting public safety.

Obtaining Firearm Permits in New Orleans

Before purchasing or possessing a firearm in New Orleans, it is crucial to understand the process and requirements for obtaining the necessary permits. The Louisiana State Police are responsible for processing and issuing firearm permits in the state, including New Orleans.

There are several types of firearm permits available in New Orleans, including concealed carry permits, hunting permits, and firearm purchase permits. To obtain any of these permits, applicants must meet specific requirements and complete an application process, which includes a background check.

Permit TypeRequirements
Concealed Carry PermitMust be at least 21 years old, complete firearms training, and meet other eligibility requirements.
Hunting PermitMust possess a valid Louisiana hunting license and meet other eligibility requirements.
Firearm Purchase PermitMust be at least 18 years old, pass a background check, and meet other eligibility requirements.

It is important to note that New Orleans has specific requirements for concealed carry permits, including completing firearms training from a Louisiana State Police-approved instructor. Additionally, applicants must show proof of liability insurance or sign a statement confirming their knowledge of the state's liability laws.

Once an application is submitted, it can take up to 120 days to process and receive a decision. If approved, permits are valid for a set duration of time, and holders must renew them before they expire.

Understanding the process and requirements for obtaining firearm permits in New Orleans is crucial for gun owners and those looking to purchase a firearm. Ensuring compliance with local laws is not only essential for avoiding legal penalties but is also critical for promoting public safety.

Understanding Gun Purchase Laws in New Orleans

New Orleans has specific regulations in place for purchasing firearms. These laws are designed to ensure that only individuals who are legally allowed to own a gun are able to purchase and possess one.

One of the key requirements for purchasing a gun in New Orleans is that you must be at least 21 years old. Additionally, you must pass a background check conducted by the FBI, which will examine your criminal history, mental health, and other factors that could disqualify you from gun ownership.

It's important to note that there is a mandatory three-day waiting period for all firearm purchases in Louisiana. During this time, the FBI will conduct a thorough background check to ensure that the purchaser does not have any disqualifying factors.

There are some additional restrictions on gun purchases in New Orleans. For example, individuals who have been convicted of certain crimes, including domestic violence, are not allowed to purchase firearms. Additionally, individuals who are addicted to drugs or alcohol are also prohibited from owning firearms.

It's important to understand that these laws are in place to protect public safety and prevent individuals who may pose a danger to themselves or others from obtaining firearms. By following these regulations, gun owners in New Orleans can help ensure that their right to bear arms is exercised responsibly.

Possession and Storage of Firearms in New Orleans

In New Orleans, gun ownership laws also regulate the way in which residents are required to possess, handle, and store firearms. Below, we will go through some of the key gun ownership laws in New Orleans related to possession and storage of firearms:

Handling Firearms in Public

In New Orleans, it is generally illegal to carry a firearm in public unless you have a concealed carry permit. If you are carrying a firearm in public without proper authorization, it could lead to serious legal consequences. It is crucial to check with the relevant authorities to obtain a concealed carry permit before carrying a firearm in public.

Storage of Firearms at Home

Gun owners in New Orleans are also required to store firearms safely at home. The law mandates that firearms must be kept in a locked container or equipped with a tamper-resistant lock, preventing unauthorized access. This requirement applies to all firearms, including handguns and long guns.

Residents must also ensure that firearms are stored in a manner that prevents accidental discharge or access by children. As per New Orleans gun ownership laws, if a child gains access to an unsecured firearm and causes injury or death, the gun owner can face serious legal consequences.

Carrying Firearms in Vehicles

In New Orleans, gun owners can transport firearms in their vehicles, subject to specific requirements. Firearms must be unloaded and kept in a locked container while traveling. It’s important to note that this regulation doesn’t apply to individuals with a concealed carry permit who are authorized to carry a firearm in public.

Knowledge of the proper possession and storage of firearms is crucial for gun owners in New Orleans. It is recommended that residents review these gun ownership laws regularly to avoid legal complications and ensure compliance with the law.

Concealed Carry Laws in New Orleans

If you are interested in carrying a concealed firearm in New Orleans, there are specific regulations you must comply with. These laws are in place to ensure public safety and prevent illegal activities involving firearms.

Concealed Carry Permit

First and foremost, it's important to note that a concealed carry permit is required in order to carry a concealed firearm in New Orleans. To obtain a permit, you must meet certain qualifications, including being at least 21 years old, a resident of Louisiana, and completing a firearms training course. The permit is issued by the Louisiana State Police and must be renewed every five years.

Prohibited Places

It's also important to understand where you are not allowed to carry a concealed firearm in New Orleans. Prohibited places include:

  • Schools
  • Places of worship
  • Courthouses
  • Government buildings
  • Bars or restaurants that serve alcohol

If you are caught carrying a concealed firearm in these locations, you could face serious legal consequences.


If you have a concealed carry permit from another state, you may be wondering if it is valid in New Orleans. Louisiana has reciprocity agreements with several other states, which means that your out-of-state permit may be recognized in Louisiana. However, it's important to research and verify the specific reciprocity agreements before carrying a concealed firearm in New Orleans with an out-of-state permit.

Training Requirements

As previously mentioned, completing a firearms training course is a requirement for obtaining a concealed carry permit in New Orleans. Additionally, Louisiana law requires that anyone carrying a concealed firearm have their permit and identification on them at all times. It's recommended that you also receive ongoing training and practice to ensure that you are able to safely and effectively use your firearm in a self-defense situation.

Understanding and following concealed carry laws in New Orleans is critical for anyone who wishes to carry a concealed firearm. By obtaining a permit, understanding prohibited places, researching reciprocity agreements, and completing required training, you can ensure that you are in compliance with New Orleans gun laws and contributing to public safety.

Local Gun Regulations in New Orleans

In addition to state and federal gun laws, New Orleans has its own set of local gun regulations. These regulations have been put in place to address specific concerns related to gun ownership and possession within the city.

One of the most notable local gun regulations in New Orleans is the prohibition of open carry of firearms. This means that individuals are not allowed to openly carry firearms in public places, including on the street or in parks. However, concealed carry is allowed with the proper permits and training.

Another local regulation in New Orleans involves firearms in public places. Guns are not allowed in certain public places, such as schools, government buildings, and bars. It is important to be aware of these restrictions to avoid any legal consequences.

New Orleans also has specific laws related to gun storage and transportation. Firearms must be stored in a safe or secure location to prevent unauthorized access. When transporting firearms in a vehicle, they must be unloaded and either in a locked container or out of reach of the driver and passengers.

It is important to understand and follow these local gun regulations in addition to state and federal laws to avoid any legal issues related to gun ownership and possession in New Orleans.

Navigating Firearm Restrictions in New Orleans

It's important to be aware of the various firearm restrictions in place in New Orleans to ensure that you're fully compliant with local laws and regulations. Some of the key restrictions to be aware of include:

Assault WeaponsNew Orleans prohibits the possession, sale, and transfer of assault weapons within city limits.
Large Capacity MagazinesMagazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds are prohibited within city limits.
Firearms in Public PlacesThere are specific restrictions on carrying firearms in public places, including schools, government buildings, and airports.
Open CarryNew Orleans prohibits the open carrying of firearms within city limits, except for law enforcement officers and licensed security guards.

It's important to note that firearm restrictions can vary from state to state and even from city to city, so it's always a good idea to research local laws and regulations before traveling with firearms. Additionally, it's important to keep track of any changes to the local laws and regulations to ensure that you remain compliant.

By understanding and following the various firearm restrictions in place in New Orleans, you can help to ensure not only your own safety but also the safety of others in the community.

Legal Considerations for Gun Owners in New Orleans

As a gun owner in New Orleans, it's important to be aware of the various legal considerations that come with owning and using firearms in the city. Failure to comply with these laws can result in serious consequences, including fines, jail time, and even the loss of your right to own guns.

Self-Defense Laws

New Orleans has a “stand your ground” law, which means that a person is not required to retreat from a situation that they believe could result in serious harm or death before using deadly force to defend themselves. However, the use of deadly force must be deemed necessary and proportional to the perceived threat, and it must be used in self-defense or defense of others.

Firearm Transfers

In New Orleans, all firearm transfers, including private sales, must be conducted through a licensed dealer or by having an authorized law enforcement officer conduct a background check. This means that you cannot simply sell or transfer a firearm to another individual without going through the proper procedures.

Prohibited Persons

Under federal law, certain individuals are prohibited from owning or possessing firearms, including convicted felons, fugitives from justice, illegal drug users, and individuals with a history of mental illness. It's important to be aware of these restrictions and to avoid providing firearms to anyone who falls into one of these categories.

In addition, New Orleans has its own set of restrictions on firearm ownership, including a ban on individuals who have been convicted of certain violent crimes or domestic violence offenses.

As a responsible gun owner in New Orleans, it's important to familiarize yourself with these legal considerations and to seek out guidance from legal professionals if you have any questions or concerns. By staying informed and following all relevant laws and regulations, you can help ensure that your right to own firearms is protected while also contributing to a safer community for all.

Ensuring Compliance with New Orleans Gun Laws

As with any legal matter, it is essential to stay informed and up to date on firearms regulations in New Orleans. State and local laws may change, and it is the responsibility of gun owners to ensure they are aware of any updates or changes.

One practical tip for ensuring compliance with New Orleans gun laws is to regularly review the city's official website for any updates or changes in firearms regulations. Gun owners can also seek out legal guidance from attorneys familiar with gun laws in Louisiana.

It is also essential to adhere to any specific requirements for obtaining firearm permits in New Orleans. These may include background checks, waiting periods, and other mandatory steps. Failure to comply with these requirements can result in legal consequences.

Finally, storage and possession of firearms must also be in compliance with New Orleans gun laws. Gun owners should be aware of the regulations surrounding gun safes and the transportation of firearms in vehicles. Staying up to date and following these guidelines can help ensure compliance with New Orleans gun laws.


Compliance with firearms regulations in New Orleans is crucial for both residents and visitors to the city. Understanding and abiding by these laws not only helps prevent legal consequences but also contributes to public safety. By staying informed and following guidelines for obtaining permits, possession, and storage, gun owners can maintain compliance with New Orleans gun laws.

Impact of New Orleans Gun Laws on Crime Rates

One of the most debated topics regarding gun laws is whether they have an impact on crime rates. In New Orleans, advocates of gun control argue that strict laws can help reduce the number of violent incidents involving firearms. On the other hand, opponents claim that such laws only make it harder for law-abiding citizens to protect themselves.

While there is no clear consensus on the issue, it is worth examining the data to see if there have been any significant changes in crime rates since the implementation of stricter gun laws in New Orleans. According to a report by the Urban Institute, the city had a homicide rate of 40.6 per 100,000 people in 2016, which was significantly higher than the national average of 5.3 per 100,000 people. However, the report also notes that New Orleans has seen a decline in the number of homicides over the years, with a 23% reduction from 2012 to 2016.

Proponents of gun control argue that this reduction can be attributed in part to the stricter gun laws that have been put in place. For example, the city now requires a permit for all firearms purchases, including private sales, and has implemented a waiting period for handgun purchases. In addition, individuals convicted of domestic violence or certain drug offenses are banned from owning firearms.

However, opponents of gun control point out that the decline in homicides in New Orleans is not necessarily unique to the city. In fact, the entire country has seen a decrease in violent crime over the years, and some experts argue that this trend has little to do with gun laws. They point out that the improvements in law enforcement techniques and increased community engagement may have played a role in reducing crime rates in New Orleans and other cities.

Regardless of one's stance on the issue, it is clear that gun laws are a complex topic that requires careful consideration and analysis. As such, it is important for residents of New Orleans and visitors alike to stay informed about the latest developments in firearms regulations and how they may impact public safety.


In conclusion, understanding and following New Orleans gun laws is essential for residents and visitors alike. From obtaining firearm permits to navigating local regulations, it is crucial to stay informed and comply with all relevant laws and regulations. By familiarizing yourself with the Second Amendment rights in New Orleans and the specific gun ownership laws, you can ensure that you are legally able to possess and properly store your firearms. It is also important to be aware of the regulations surrounding the purchase and possession of firearms, as well as the rules and requirements for concealed carry. By staying up-to-date on any changes or updates to New Orleans gun laws, you can ensure that you are always in compliance and avoid any legal penalties or issues. Additionally, understanding the various legal considerations for gun owners, such as self-defense laws and prohibited persons, can help you make informed decisions when it comes to your firearms. While there are differing opinions on the impact of gun control measures, it is clear that following New Orleans gun laws can contribute to public safety and help prevent gun-related crimes. By working to ensure compliance with these laws, we can all do our part to promote a safer and more secure community. In short, understanding New Orleans gun laws, including gun ownership laws, is important for ensuring legal compliance and promoting public safety. By staying informed and adhering to these regulations, we can all work towards a safer and more secure New Orleans.


Q: What are the gun laws in New Orleans?

A: New Orleans has specific firearms regulations that govern the possession, purchase, and storage of firearms within the city.

Q: Do I have Second Amendment rights in New Orleans?

A: Yes, residents of New Orleans have Second Amendment rights, though there are specific gun ownership laws that must be followed.

Q: How can I obtain a firearm permit in New Orleans?

A: To obtain a firearm permit in New Orleans, you must fulfill certain requirements and go through the application process, which includes obtaining concealed carry permits and other licenses.

Q: What are the gun purchase laws in New Orleans?

A: The gun purchase laws in New Orleans include background checks, waiting periods, and other regulations that must be followed when purchasing firearms.

Q: What are the rules for possession and storage of firearms in New Orleans?

A: New Orleans has specific laws governing the possession and storage of firearms, including requirements for gun safes and restrictions on carrying firearms in vehicles.

Q: What are the concealed carry laws in New Orleans?

A: Concealed carry in New Orleans is regulated by specific laws, including reciprocity agreements, restrictions on carrying in certain places, and training requirements.

Q: Are there any local gun regulations in New Orleans?

A: Yes, there may be additional local gun regulations within the city of New Orleans, such as restrictions on open carry or laws specific to public places.

Q: What are the firearm restrictions in New Orleans?

A: New Orleans has firearm restrictions in place, which may include limitations on certain types of firearms or magazine capacity.

Q: What legal considerations should gun owners in New Orleans be aware of?

A: Gun owners in New Orleans should be aware of self-defense laws, regulations regarding firearm transfers, and the criteria for prohibited persons.

Q: How can I ensure compliance with New Orleans gun laws?

A: It is important to stay informed about New Orleans gun laws and regularly review any changes to ensure compliance. This includes understanding permit requirements, storage regulations, and other relevant laws.

Q: How do New Orleans gun laws impact crime rates?

A: The impact of New Orleans gun laws on crime rates and public safety is a topic of debate, with various arguments and perspectives on this issue.

This article was updated on October 1, 2023