Understanding Gun Laws in Kansas: A Friendly Guide

Overview of Kansas Gun Laws

Welcome to the first section of this comprehensive guide to gun laws in Kansas. As a responsible gun owner or firearm enthusiast, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of the regulations and control measures in place to ensure safe and legal gun ownership.

Kansas has a relatively relaxed attitude towards gun ownership, with a focus on protecting the rights of gun owners while maintaining public safety. However, certain restrictions and requirements still apply, and it's essential to be familiar with these before owning or carrying a firearm in the state.

Some of the primary regulations in place include:

Kansas Gun RegulationsKansas Gun Control
Individuals must obtain a concealed carry permit before carrying a concealed firearm.It's illegal to carry a firearm while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Kansas has no waiting period for purchasing a firearm.It's illegal to carry a firearm onto school grounds or into public buildings that have security measures in place.
Kansas recognizes the right to open carry without a permit for individuals over the age of 21.Individuals with a history of domestic violence or a felony conviction are prohibited from owning firearms.

These are just a few examples of the regulations and control measures in place in Kansas. In the following sections, we will explore the specifics of open and concealed carry laws, firearms permits, gun rights, and recent changes in Kansas gun legislation.

Open Carry Laws in Kansas

Open carry is legal in Kansas without a permit for anyone who is at least 21 years old and legally allowed to possess a firearm under state and federal law. However, certain restrictions apply, such as not being allowed to carry a firearm into certain public areas, including schools, government buildings, and other restricted places.

It's important to note that local municipalities may have their own specific laws regarding open carry, so be sure to research and comply with these regulations as well.

If you plan on open carrying a firearm in Kansas, it's recommended that you carry the firearm in a holster that covers the trigger guard to prevent accidental discharge.

It's also important to be aware of the reactions of those around you. Some people may feel uncomfortable or threatened by the presence of a firearm, so be respectful and mindful of others when open carrying.

Overall, open carry laws in Kansas allow for responsible gun owners to exercise their Second Amendment rights, but it's crucial to understand and comply with the specific regulations and restrictions in place.

Concealed Carry Laws in Kansas

Unlike open carry laws, Kansas requires a permit for concealed carry of a firearm. The state requires that applicants be 21 years or older, a legal resident of the United States, and a resident of Kansas for at least six months. Additionally, the applicant cannot have any felony convictions, drug or alcohol addictions, or mental health issues that could affect their ability to handle a firearm safely.

The concealed carry permit application process involves submitting a completed application, providing fingerprints, completing the required training course, and paying the associated fees. Once approved, the permit is valid for four years and must be renewed before expiration.

It's important to note that concealed carry is allowed in most public places in Kansas, however, certain areas such as government buildings, schools, and places of worship may have additional restrictions or prohibitions.

Kansas also honors concealed carry permits from other states that have reciprocity agreements with Kansas. This means that if you hold a concealed carry permit from another state, Kansas will recognize it as valid within their state lines.

Training Requirements

In order to obtain a concealed carry permit in Kansas, individuals must complete an approved firearms safety and training course. This course covers topics such as firearm safety, marksmanship, and the legal aspects of owning and carrying a concealed firearm.

The course must be completed in person and the instructor must be certified by the Kansas Attorney General to teach concealed carry courses.

Renewal and Revocation of Permits

Concealed carry permits in Kansas are valid for four years. It's the responsibility of the permit holder to ensure their permit is renewed before it expires. Failure to renew may result in the permit being revoked.

Additionally, the Kansas Attorney General's office has the authority to revoke a concealed carry permit if the holder violates any of the state's firearms laws or becomes ineligible due to a conviction or mental health issue.

It's important to stay up-to-date on any changes or updates to the concealed carry laws in Kansas to ensure compliance and safe firearm usage.

Firearms Permits in Kansas

To legally carry a concealed firearm in Kansas, individuals must obtain a firearms permit. This permit is issued by the Kansas Attorney General's Office and is valid for four years. To be eligible for a firearms permit in Kansas, you must be at least 21 years of age and meet the following requirements:

  • Must not have any felony convictions
  • Must not have any misdemeanor domestic violence convictions
  • Must not have any commitment to a mental health institution
  • Must not have any addiction to drugs or alcohol
  • Must not be the subject of a protection order
  • Must complete an approved firearms training course

Once you meet these requirements, you can apply for a firearms permit by submitting an application, paying a fee of $132.50, and providing your fingerprints for a background check. The approval process typically takes up to 90 days.

It's important to note that a Kansas firearms permit does not grant the holder the right to carry a firearm in all locations. Private businesses and government buildings may prohibit firearms, and it is up to the individual to respect these restrictions. Additionally, Kansas has reciprocity agreements with several other states, which means that firearms permits issued in those states may be recognized in Kansas, and vice versa.

Understanding Gun Rights in Kansas

As an American citizen, the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution provides the right to bear arms. In Kansas, this right extends to its residents, and the state has adopted a pro-gun stance. However, it's essential to understand the specific gun rights granted to individuals in this state to avoid any legal complications.

Residents of Kansas have the right to own and possess firearms, including handguns, rifles, and shotguns. The state also has no restrictions on the number of guns that individuals can own.

Additionally, Kansas recognizes the right of individuals to use deadly force, including firearms, in self-defense. This is known as the "Stand Your Ground" law, which allows individuals to use force to protect themselves or others in situations where they feel threatened. However, the law requires that the individual must have a reasonable belief that the threat is imminent and that the use of force is necessary.

It's important to note that while gun ownership is a right in Kansas, there are also limitations to this right. Individuals with certain criminal backgrounds or history of mental illness are prohibited from owning firearms. There are also restrictions on where firearms can be carried, such as schools and government buildings.

Overall, understanding your gun rights in Kansas is essential for responsible and legal gun ownership. Keep yourself informed of any changes or updates in the state's gun laws to ensure compliance.

Recent Changes in Kansas Gun Legislation

It is important to stay up-to-date with the latest changes in Kansas gun legislation to remain compliant with the law. In recent years, Kansas has seen several changes in their gun laws. Here are some of the most significant updates:

BillDescriptionDate Enacted
HB 2042Permitted individuals aged 18-20 to carry concealed weapons with a valid military IDJuly 1, 2019
HB 2052Allowed public hospitals to prohibit concealed carry of firearms on their premisesJuly 1, 2019
HB 2278Expanded recognition of other state's concealed carry licenses in KansasJuly 1, 2019
SB 175Permitted concealed carry without a license for individuals aged 21 and overJuly 1, 2015

These are just a few examples of recent changes in Kansas gun legislation. It's crucial to regularly check for updates and stay informed on any new regulations or requirements.

Ensuring Safe and Responsible Gun Ownership

As a responsible gun owner, it is vital to ensure the safe and proper use of firearms in compliance with Kansas gun laws. Kansas has specific regulations in place to ensure that firearms are used safely and appropriately, with the safety of the public being the top priority.

One of the key aspects of gun control in Kansas is the requirement for individuals to obtain a permit to carry a concealed firearm. To obtain a permit, individuals must complete a firearms safety and training course, which covers essential safety practices and guidelines for responsible gun ownership.

It is essential to follow all guidelines set forth by Kansas's firearm laws, such as safe storage practices and appropriate handling of firearms. Unsafe handling of a firearm can result in injuries or even fatalities, making it crucial to follow the guidelines set forth by the state.

Proper training is another critical aspect of ensuring responsible gun ownership. Regularly practicing and staying up-to-date with safety guidelines is essential to avoid accidents and ensure that firearms are used safely and responsibly. It is also essential to maintain compliance with any updates or changes to Kansas gun laws.

In conclusion, responsible gun ownership is crucial for public safety in Kansas. By following the guidelines set forth by Kansas gun laws, obtaining proper training, and maintaining compliance, gun owners can ensure that firearms are used safely and appropriately.

Navigating Interstate Firearm Transportation Laws

Understanding how to transport firearms across state lines is crucial for gun owners who frequently travel. It's essential to familiarize yourself with the applicable interstate firearm transportation laws to avoid any legal complications or issues when on the road.

The most vital aspect of interstate firearm transportation is to ensure that your firearms are safely stored and unloaded during transport. The firearm must not be within reach of the driver or any passenger, and the ammunition must be stored separately from the gun. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in criminal charges and penalties.

Interstate firearm transportation laws vary depending on the states you are traveling through and the final destination. It's advisable to research and review the specific regulations for each state you'll be passing through before embarking on your journey. This can help avoid any unwanted legal issues or delays during your travel.

Additionally, some states have stricter firearm laws than others, and gun owners must adhere to the most stringent regulations in each state. Some states require gun owners to possess a permit or license to transport firearms through their jurisdiction, while others may prohibit certain types of firearms or accessories.

To avoid any legal issues while traveling, it's crucial to have all the necessary documentation, such as a valid firearms license and permits, proof of ownership, and any relevant registration documents.

In conclusion, understanding the interstate firearm transportation laws is essential for responsible gun ownership and travel. Gun owners must ensure that they comply with all applicable regulations and have the necessary documentation to transport firearms safely and legally.

Common Misconceptions About Kansas Gun Laws

There are many misconceptions surrounding gun laws in Kansas that can cause confusion and misinterpretation. Here are some of the most common myths and their corresponding facts:

  1. Myth: Kansas has no gun laws.

    Fact: Kansas does have gun laws that regulate the possession, sale, and use of firearms. However, the state has a constitutional amendment that provides strong protections for gun rights.

  2. Myth: Anyone can carry a concealed weapon in Kansas without a permit.

    Fact: While Kansas is a constitutional carry state, which means that individuals can carry a concealed weapon without a permit, there are some restrictions. For example, individuals must be 21 years old, not have any felony convictions, and not have been deemed mentally incompetent. Additionally, some public places and private businesses can prohibit concealed carry.

  3. Myth: Kansas has no restrictions on open carry.

    Fact: Kansas does have restrictions on open carry. For example, it is illegal to open carry in a courthouse or other government buildings, schools, and some public places.

  4. Myth: You can't carry a gun in a vehicle without a permit in Kansas.

    Fact: While a permit is required for concealed carry, Kansas does allow individuals to transport firearms in a vehicle without a permit as long as the gun is unloaded and stored in a container or trunk out of reach.

  5. Myth: Gun owners don't need to go through a background check in Kansas.

    Fact: Federal law requires background checks for gun purchases from licensed dealers, including in Kansas. However, private sales between individuals do not require background checks.

By understanding the actual facts and regulations of Kansas gun laws, individuals can better navigate responsible ownership and usage of firearms.

Resources for Further Information on Kansas Gun Laws

For those interested in learning more about the gun laws in Kansas, there are many resources available to help you stay informed and up-to-date.

Firearms and Ammunition Laws in Kansas: This publication, produced by the Kansas Attorney General's office, provides an in-depth overview of firearms and ammunition laws in Kansas. It covers topics such as ownership, storage, sales, and transportation of firearms, as well as restrictions on felons and other prohibited persons. You can access it online at the Kansas Attorney General's website.

Kansas State Rifle Association: The Kansas State Rifle Association is a nonprofit organization that advocates for gun rights and responsible gun ownership in Kansas. Its website includes information on gun safety, training, legislation, and events related to firearms in Kansas.

National Rifle Association: The National Rifle Association (NRA) is one of the largest gun rights organizations in the country. Its website includes information on gun laws and regulations at the national and state levels, as well as resources for gun owners and activists. The NRA also offers training and certification programs for firearms instructors and provides support for local gun clubs and ranges.

Giffords Law Center: The Giffords Law Center is a national organization that advocates for stronger gun laws and safer communities. Its website includes information on gun laws in all 50 states, including Kansas, as well as policy recommendations and legal analysis related to gun violence prevention.

Kansas Open Carry: Kansas Open Carry is a grassroots organization that advocates for the right to openly carry firearms in public. Its website includes information on open carry laws and regulations in Kansas, as well as resources for gun owners and activists who support open carry rights.

By utilizing these resources, you can stay informed about the latest developments in Kansas gun laws and ensure that you are operating within the bounds of the law as a responsible gun owner.


In conclusion, understanding the gun laws in Kansas is crucial for both gun owners and those who interact with firearms in the state. By following the regulations, obtaining relevant permits, and taking necessary precautions, we can ensure compliance and promote responsible firearm usage in Kansas. It's essential to note that gun laws are subject to change, and it's our responsibility to stay informed and up-to-date. The resources and references mentioned in this guide can be an excellent starting point for those seeking further information on Kansas gun laws. As a journalist, it's my duty to provide accurate and reliable information to the public. I hope this guide has been helpful in providing a clear and comprehensive understanding of the gun laws in Kansas, as well as dispelling any common misconceptions. Thank you for taking the time to read this guide. Remember to always prioritize safety and responsibility when it comes to gun ownership.


Q: What are the gun laws in Kansas?

A: Kansas gun laws encompass regulations and control measures pertaining to firearms ownership, carrying firearms in public, obtaining firearms permits, and exercising gun rights. Understanding these laws is crucial for responsible gun ownership in Kansas.

Q: Can I openly carry a firearm in Kansas?

A: Yes, Kansas allows for open carry of firearms in public places, provided the individual is legally allowed to possess a firearm and follows any applicable restrictions or requirements.

Q: What are the concealed carry laws in Kansas?

A: Kansas recognizes the right to carry concealed firearms with a valid concealed carry license. Obtaining a permit involves meeting specific requirements, such as completing training courses and passing background checks.

Q: How can I obtain a firearms permit in Kansas?

A: To obtain a firearms permit in Kansas, you must meet the eligibility criteria, which include being at least 21 years old, completing the required training, and passing a background check. The permit application process involves completing the necessary forms and submitting them to the appropriate authorities.

Q: What are my gun rights in Kansas?

A: Residents of Kansas have certain gun rights protected by the Second Amendment. However, there may be limitations and restrictions to ensure public safety. Understanding these rights will help you exercise them responsibly.

Q: Have there been recent changes in Kansas gun legislation?

A: Yes, Kansas periodically updates its gun legislation to address evolving concerns and societal changes. Staying informed about these recent changes is crucial to remain compliant with current laws.

Q: How can I ensure safe and responsible gun ownership in Kansas?

A: Promoting safe and responsible gun ownership in Kansas involves adhering to the state's gun laws, storing firearms securely, practicing proper handling and maintenance, and seeking education and training related to firearms usage.

Q: What do I need to know about interstate firearm transportation laws in Kansas?

A: When traveling with firearms across state lines, it's essential to familiarize yourself with interstate firearm transportation laws. These laws may vary between states and could impact how you transport and store firearms during your journey.

Q: What are some common misconceptions about Kansas gun laws?

A: There are often misconceptions and misunderstandings surrounding Kansas gun laws. It's important to address these misconceptions and provide accurate information to ensure a better understanding of the actual regulations and rights in place.

Q: Where can I find additional information on Kansas gun laws?

A: For further information on Kansas gun laws, you can refer to reliable resources such as official government websites, legal publications, and organizations dedicated to firearms education and advocacy.

This article was updated on October 1, 2023