Maximize Precision: Left Handed Right Eye Dominant Shooting Tips

In this article, I will provide expert advice and practical tips to help left-handed shooters who are right eye dominant overcome the challenges they may face. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced shooter, these tips will help you fine-tune your technique and enhance your shooting accuracy.

Left Handed Right Eye Dominant Shooting Tips

So if you're a left-handed shooter struggling with accuracy, read on to discover how to improve your shooting skills and achieve better results.

Table of Contents

Understanding Left-Handed Right Eye Dominance

As a left-handed individual with right eye dominance, shooting can be a challenge. Your dominant eye is not on the same side as your dominant hand, which can lead to aiming and accuracy issues. To improve your shooting skills, it's important to understand how this affects you and how you can compensate for it.

What is Left-Handed Right Eye Dominance?

Left-handed right eye dominance, also known as cross-dominance, occurs when your dominant eye is on the opposite side of your dominant hand. This can make aiming difficult and cause you to miss your target. It's estimated that around 30% of the population is cross-dominant.

How Does Left-Handed Right Eye Dominance Affect Shooting?

When shooting, it's important to align your dominant eye with the sights of your gun. For left-handed individuals with right eye dominance, this can be challenging. Your dominant eye may be obstructed by your nose or you may tilt your head in an unnatural position to line up your sight. This can cause poor accuracy and fatigue over time.

Fortunately, there are techniques you can use to overcome these challenges and improve your shooting skills. In the following sections, I'll provide tips and exercises designed specifically for left-handed individuals with right eye dominance.

Identifying Your Dominant Eye

Before diving into the shooting tips, it's crucial to determine which eye is dominant. As a left-handed right eye dominant shooter, it may be challenging to align your sights properly if you're not aware of which eye to use. Here's a simple exercise to identify your dominant eye:

  1. Extend both arms out in front of you and form a small triangle between your thumbs and index fingers.
  2. Choose an object in the distance and center it within the triangle.
  3. Without moving your arms, close one eye at a time.
  4. The eye that keeps the object centered in the triangle is your dominant eye.

Once you've identified your dominant eye, you can adjust your shooting technique accordingly. For left-handed right eye dominant shooters, this may involve tilting your head slightly to align the dominant eye with the sights on the firearm. With practice and consistency, you can improve your shooting accuracy and maximize your precision.

Proper Shooting Stance for Left-Handed Right Eye Dominant Individuals

As a left-handed individual who is right eye dominant, your shooting stance is critical to ensure maximum precision and accuracy. It's important to position yourself in a way that aligns your dominant eye with the sights of the gun. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you achieve the correct shooting stance:

  1. Stand shoulder-width apart with your body slightly angled towards the target.
  2. Place your left foot slightly forward.
  3. Position your left arm comfortably under the gun with your left hand gripping the handle.
  4. Extend your right arm towards the target with your right elbow slightly bent.
  5. Hold the gun with your right hand, making sure the sights are aligned with your dominant eye.
  6. Keep your head upright and level, and focus your dominant eye on the front sight of the gun.
  7. Breathe in slowly, and exhale before pulling the trigger.

Remember to maintain a comfortable and stable shooting stance throughout the process. By practicing this method consistently, you'll be able to improve your shooting precision and achieve more accurate results.

Techniques to Compensate for Eye Dominance

As a left-handed individual who is right eye dominant, you may find that your shooting accuracy is not as consistent as you'd like it to be. Fortunately, there are several shooting techniques you can use to compensate for this challenge.

Shooting with Both Eyes Open

One of the most effective techniques for left-handed right eye dominant shooters is shooting with both eyes open. This technique allows your brain to use both eyes to aim and gives you a more complete picture of your target. To practice shooting with both eyes open, start by focusing on your target and then bring your firearm up to eye level. As you aim, keep both eyes open and focus on the target. With practice, you will learn how to use both eyes together to improve your accuracy.

Using a Handgun with a High Grip

Another technique to compensate for eye dominance is using a handgun with a high grip. This allows the sights to be closer to your dominant eye and reduces the need for your non-dominant eye to compensate. When gripping the handgun, make sure that your dominant eye is positioned directly above the barrel. This will help you aim and shoot more accurately.

Shooting with a Patch over Your Dominant Eye

If you find that shooting with both eyes open or using a high grip does not work for you, try shooting with a patch over your dominant eye. This technique helps to eliminate the distraction caused by your dominant eye and allows your non-dominant eye to take over. To use this technique, simply place a patch over your dominant eye before shooting.

Remember, every shooter is different, and what works best for one person may not work for another. The key is to experiment with different techniques and find what works best for you. By incorporating these techniques into your shooting routine, you can improve your accuracy and become a more confident shooter.

Exercises and Drills to Enhance Shooting Accuracy

As a left-handed right eye dominant shooter, it's important to develop drills and exercises that cater to your unique needs. By focusing on improving your shooting accuracy in a targeted and consistent manner, you can maximize your precision and enhance your overall performance. Here are some drills and exercises to get started:

  1. Practice with a laser: One effective way to improve accuracy is to practice with a laser tool. By pointing the laser at your target, you can ensure proper alignment of your sights and adjust your shooting form accordingly. Start with a stationary target and gradually increase the difficulty level as you progress.
  2. Use dummy rounds: Another exercise that can improve your shooting accuracy involves using dummy rounds in your firearm. These rounds will simulate a real shooting experience without the risk of firing live ammunition. Load your magazine with a mix of live and dummy rounds, and as you shoot, use the dummy rounds to identify any errors in your technique.
  3. Focus on grip and trigger control: As a left-handed right eye dominant shooter, you may need to adjust your grip and trigger control in order to improve your accuracy. Practice gripping the firearm with your left hand and adjusting your trigger pull to ensure a smooth and controlled shot.
  4. Try shooting from different positions: In order to become a well-rounded shooter, it's important to practice shooting from different positions. Try shooting from a prone, kneeling, and standing position to improve your accuracy and adaptability.

By incorporating these exercises and drills into your shooting routine, you can enhance your precision and accuracy as a left-handed right eye dominant shooter. Remember to consistently practice and adjust your technique as needed. With dedication and persistence, you can maximize your shooting potential and achieve your goals.

Common Challenges Faced by Left-Handed Right Eye Dominant Shooters

As a left-handed individual with right eye dominance, there are some unique challenges that you may encounter when shooting. These challenges can make it difficult to achieve the accuracy and precision you desire. Here are some of the most common challenges you might face:

  • Difficulty with proper sight alignment: Since your dominant eye is on the opposite side of your shooting hand, it can be challenging to properly align the sights. This can result in shots that are off-target.
  • Compensation for eye dominance: In order to compensate for your eye dominance, you may need to adjust your head position or shooting stance. This can take time to develop and may affect your shooting accuracy in the interim.
  • Difficulty with peripheral vision: If your non-dominant eye is on the same side as your shooting hand, you may have limited peripheral vision. This can make it difficult to track moving targets or be aware of your surroundings during shooting.

These challenges may seem daunting, but they can be overcome with the right techniques and practice. By focusing on proper technique and incorporating exercises to enhance your skills, you can become a more accurate and confident shooter.

Fine-Tuning Your Shooting Form and Technique

As a left-handed right eye dominant shooter, it's important to pay attention to your shooting form and technique. By making minor adjustments, you can significantly improve your precision and accuracy. Here are some tips to fine-tune your shooting:


A proper grip is crucial for maintaining control and accuracy while shooting. As a lefty with right eye dominance, you may find that your grip doesn't feel quite right. Experiment with different grip styles and positions until you find what works best for you. Make sure your grip is firm but not too tight, and your hand is properly aligned with the firearm.

Trigger Control

Proper trigger control is essential for accurate shooting. As a left-handed shooter with right eye dominance, you may be pulling the trigger with your weaker hand. Practice pulling the trigger with the pad of your index finger, not the joint. Gradually increase the pressure on the trigger until it fires.


Many shooters neglect follow-through, but it's a crucial element for consistent accuracy. After firing, maintain your focus on the target and keep your firearm in place for a brief moment. This will help you diagnose any issues with your shooting form and improve your accuracy over time.


A proper shooting stance is essential for maintaining control and accuracy. As a left-handed shooter with right eye dominance, you may find that your stance needs to be adjusted. Experiment with different positions until you find what works best for you. Make sure your feet are shoulder-width apart, and your body is in a slight forward lean. Your firearm should be properly aligned with your dominant eye.

By fine-tuning your shooting form and technique, you can take your accuracy to the next level. Practice regularly and incorporate these tips into your shooting routine. With time and patience, you'll see significant improvements in your shooting skills.


Left-handed individuals who are right eye dominant may face unique challenges when it comes to shooting accuracy. However, by implementing the various tips, techniques, and exercises outlined in this article, you can maximize your precision and achieve better shooting results.

It's important to understand your dominant eye and how it impacts your shooting technique. By practicing proper shooting stance and form, as well as utilizing techniques to compensate for eye dominance, you can improve your accuracy and overcome common challenges. Consistent practice and dedication are key to enhancing your shooting skills as a left-handed right eye dominant shooter.

Remember to regularly incorporate these tips and techniques into your shooting routine and continue fine-tuning your form and technique. By doing so, you'll be able to unlock your full potential and achieve your shooting goals.

Thank you for reading and happy shooting!


Q: What is left-handed right eye dominance?

A: Left-handed right eye dominance refers to individuals who are naturally left-handed but have their dominant eye on the right side. This can affect their shooting technique and require specific adjustments for optimal accuracy.

Q: How can I determine my dominant eye?

A: To determine your dominant eye, try the "eye dominance test" by extending your arms and creating a small triangular opening with your thumbs and index fingers. Focus on an object through the triangle, close one eye, and then the other. The eye that keeps the object centered is your dominant eye.

Q: What is the proper shooting stance for left-handed right eye dominant individuals?

A: The proper shooting stance for left-handed right eye dominant individuals involves aligning your body with the target, placing your dominant foot slightly forward, and keeping your body square to the target. This helps optimize your shooting accuracy.

Q: What techniques can I use to compensate for eye dominance?

A: There are several techniques you can use to compensate for eye dominance as a left-handed right eye dominant shooter. These include tilting your head slightly to align your dominant eye with the sights, using a modified grip, or using sighting aids such as red dot sights or prism sights.

Q: Are there any exercises or drills to improve shooting accuracy?

A: Yes, there are exercises and drills specifically designed to enhance shooting accuracy for left-handed right eye dominant individuals. These can include dry-fire practice, focusing on sight alignment and trigger control, and incorporating target transition drills to improve speed and precision.

Q: What are some common challenges faced by left-handed right eye dominant shooters?

A: Common challenges faced by left-handed right eye dominant shooters can include difficulty aligning sights, issues with target acquisition, and potential eye strain. However, with proper techniques and adjustments, these challenges can be overcome.

Q: How can I fine-tune my shooting form and technique?

A: To fine-tune your shooting form and technique as a left-handed right eye dominant shooter, focus on key elements such as grip, trigger control, and follow-through. Consistent practice and attention to these details will help improve precision and accuracy.

Q: What is the conclusion of this guide?

A: In conclusion, this guide provides tips and techniques specifically tailored to help left-handed individuals who are right eye dominant enhance their shooting skills. By implementing these strategies and consistently practicing, you can maximize your precision and achieve better shooting results.

This article was updated on October 1, 2023