Just How Long is a Concealed Carry Class? CCW Class Duration and Best Practices

When it comes to concealed carry training, one of the most common questions people ask is, "How long is a concealed carry class?" The answer may vary depending on several factors. In this section, we will take a closer look at the duration of a concealed carry class, how long it typically takes, and best practices for planning your time during the training.

how long is a concealed carry class
  • The duration of a concealed carry class can vary depending on several factors such as whether the class is mandatory or optional, the curriculum covered, and any additional requirements such as live-fire shooting practice.
  • The average time required to complete a concealed carry class is typically within a specific range, taking into consideration both classroom instruction and practical exercises.
  • Effective time management strategies during concealed carry training include fitting the class into your schedule, allocating time for studying and practice, and making the most out of your training experience.

Understanding the Duration of CCW Classes                

When it comes to obtaining a concealed carry weapon (CCW) permit, one of the necessary steps is completing a concealed carry class. The duration of this class can vary depending on several factors.

Firstly, it's important to know whether the class is mandatory or optional in your state. Some states require a certain number of hours of classroom instruction, while others may not have any set requirements.

The curriculum covered in the class can also impact the duration. For example, a basic CCW class may cover topics such as firearm safety and legal considerations, while an advanced class may include live-fire shooting practice and more in-depth legal training.

StateTraining DurationAdditional Requirements
Maryland16 hours for original application
8 hours for renewal application
Practical police course with at least 50 rounds (for designated security personnel)
Course with at least 25 rounds (for all other applicants)
Ohio8 hours (with permit)
No training required (without permit)
Recommended to undergo training for safe gun handling
OregonVaries (online course available)Concealed Handgun License (CHL) issued by county sheriff

Additionally, any required practical exercises, such as live-fire range time, will add to the length of the class. This practical training is crucial for ensuring you are prepared to handle and safely use a firearm in real-life situations.

Overall, the length of a concealed carry class can range from a few hours to multiple days, depending on the factors mentioned above. It's important to check your state's specific requirements and choose a class that fits your needs and schedule.

duration of concealed carry training

When considering the length of the course, keep in mind that the primary goal is to gain the knowledge and skills needed to safely and responsibly carry a handgun. Rushing through the class to save time may not be the best approach, as you may miss important information that could be crucial in a real-life situation.

Ultimately, understanding the duration of a concealed carry class will help you effectively plan your schedule and choose the right class for your needs. Whether the class takes a few hours or several days, the investment in time and money is worth it for the peace of mind and added safety that comes with responsible concealed carry.

Average Time for a Concealed Carry Class

Many people wonder, "how many hours is a concealed carry class?" The answer is that the time required for concealed carry training can vary depending on several factors.

Typically, a concealed carry class requires an average of 8 hours to complete. This time includes both classroom instruction and practical exercises. However, the exact length can vary depending on the state's requirements, the curriculum covered, and any additional requirements such as live-fire shooting practice.

It's important to note that some states may require longer training periods or additional courses. For example, Illinois requires 16 hours of training for an initial concealed carry permit and 3 hours of additional training every 5 years to renew the permit.

When planning for your concealed carry training, it's essential to check your state's requirements and factor in the time needed to complete the course. Additionally, it's crucial to allocate time for studying and practice to ensure that you are fully prepared for the practical exercises.

concealed carry class duration

Overall, understanding the time required for concealed carry training is essential for proper planning and preparation. By allowing yourself enough time to complete the course and dedicating time for studying and practice, you can ensure that you receive the best training possible and obtain your handgun permit or ccw.

Best Practices for Planning Your Time during Concealed Carry Training

Planning your time during concealed carry training is crucial for your success. Here are some best practices to help you make the most out of your time:

  • Find a reputable training provider: Choosing a quality training provider can help ensure that you receive a comprehensive education within the time frame allotted. Look for providers with excellent reviews and testimonials from previous students.
  • Allocate enough time: While the exact duration of a concealed carry class may vary, it is generally recommended that you allow at least 16 hours of instruction and practical exercises. Make sure to clear your schedule for this time period, and avoid scheduling any important appointments or events during your training.
  • Create a study plan: To maximize your learning experience, create a study plan that incorporates all aspects of the class. Allocate time to review notes, complete additional reading, and practice shooting exercises.
  • Stay focused: During the class, minimize any distractions and stay focused on the material. Avoid using your phone or other devices during instruction time, and ask questions whenever you have them.
  • Practice, practice, practice: After completing the class, continue to practice your shooting skills regularly. Schedule range time into your weekly routine to keep your skills sharp and ready for any situation.

By following these best practices, you can successfully complete your concealed carry training within the necessary time frame and obtain your permit. Don't forget to factor in the length of the course when planning your schedule, and be sure to allocate enough time for study and practice.

concealed carry class details to pass 

Exploring Additional Concealed Handgun Training Opportunities

Individuals interested in further developing their skills can explore additional training options beyond the basic concealed carry classes. While these classes provide essential knowledge and skills necessary for concealed carry, there are specialized training programs available for those looking to enhance their proficiency and expand their understanding of self-defense and firearms.

One option is advanced firearms training, which focuses on refining shooting techniques, improving accuracy, and developing tactical skills. These courses offer hands-on experience and expert guidance in scenarios that simulate real-life situations, preparing individuals to handle high-pressure encounters confidently.

Another valuable training opportunity is self-defense training, which teaches practical techniques for personal safety and situational awareness. These courses go beyond firearm use and cover a range of techniques, including hand-to-hand combat, defensive strategies, and de-escalation techniques. By learning these skills, individuals can better protect themselves and others in various self-defense scenarios.

Table: Additional Handgun Training Opportunities

Training ProgramDescriptionDuration
Advanced Firearms TrainingFocuses on refining shooting techniques, improving accuracy, and developing tactical skillsVaries, typically 2-5 days
Self-Defense TrainingCovers a range of techniques for personal safety and situational awareness, including hand-to-hand combat, defensive strategies, and de-escalation techniquesVaries, typically 1-3 days
Home Defense TrainingProvides skills and knowledge on securing and defending one's home, including firearms use, safe room setup, and communication protocolsVaries, typically 1-2 days

For those interested in honing their skills for specific scenarios, specialized training programs like home defense training are available. These courses focus on securing and defending one's home, covering topics such as firearms use, safe room setup, and communication protocols. By participating in this training, individuals can gain the knowledge and skills necessary to protect themselves and their loved ones in the event of a home invasion or other threatening situations.

It's important to note that additional training opportunities may have specific prerequisites or requirements. Some programs may require participants to have completed basic concealed carry classes or have a certain level of proficiency with firearms. It's recommended to thoroughly research and select training programs that align with individual goals, skill levels, and personal preferences.

As I conclude this article, it is important to note that the duration of a concealed carry class varies based on factors such as the curriculum, additional requirements, and whether it is mandatory or optional. On average, a concealed carry class takes a specific number of hours and involves both classroom instruction and practical exercises. To effectively plan time during concealed carry training, it is essential to consider best practices such as fitting the class into your schedule, allocating time for studying and practice, and making the most out of your training experience. By taking into account these factors and strategies, you can successfully complete your concealed carry training and obtain your permit. Remember that obtaining a concealed carry permit is a big responsibility, and with that comes a commitment to ongoing training and practice. Always prioritize safety, follow the law, and never hesitate to seek additional training if needed. Thank you for reading, and I hope this article has provided you with valuable insights into the duration of a concealed carry class.

This article was updated on September 26, 2023