Guide to WV Concealed Carry Reciprocity - Understanding the Basics

As a professional copywriting journalist, I understand the importance of responsible firearm usage. In this comprehensive guide, I will provide you with essential knowledge about West Virginia concealed carry reciprocity and West Virginia concealed carry laws to promote safe and lawful use of firearms.

WV Concealed Carry Reciprocity

When it comes to carrying a concealed firearm, it is essential to understand your rights and responsibilities, and this guide aims to provide you with the necessary information on WV concealed carry reciprocity and the basics of firearm usage in West Virginia.

Table of Contents

Whether you are a resident of West Virginia or a visitor with an out-of-state concealed carry permit, this guide will walk you through the process of obtaining a permit and adhering to the state's regulations. I will also provide you with an overview of reciprocity agreements between West Virginia and other states, benefits of concealed carry reciprocity, and etiquette and responsibilities for concealed carry permit holders.

Stay informed and prioritize safety by reading this guide, which will give you the knowledge you need for responsible concealed carry in West Virginia.

Throughout this guide, we will touch upon the essential keywords such as wv concealed carry reciprocityWest Virginia concealed carry reciprocity, and West Virginia concealed carry laws, to give you a complete understanding of the topic.

What is Concealed Carry Reciprocity?

Concealed carry reciprocity is the agreement between states to recognize each other's concealed carry permits. This means that if you have a valid concealed carry permit issued by one state, you can legally carry a concealed firearm in another state that has a reciprocity agreement with the issuing state.

West Virginia has reciprocity agreements with several other states, which means that if you are a resident of West Virginia and have a valid concealed carry permit issued by the state, you can legally carry a concealed firearm in those states that recognize West Virginia's concealed carry permit.

What States Have Reciprocity Agreements with West Virginia?

As of writing, West Virginia has reciprocity agreements with 35 other states. These states include:

StateReciprocity Status
AlabamaRecognizes WV Permit
AlaskaRecognizes WV Permit
ArizonaRecognizes WV Permit
ArkansasRecognizes WV Permit
ColoradoRecognizes WV Permit
DelawareRecognizes WV Permit
FloridaRecognizes WV Permit
GeorgiaRecognizes WV Permit
IdahoRecognizes WV Permit
IndianaRecognizes WV Permit
IowaRecognizes WV Permit
KentuckyRecognizes WV Permit
LouisianaRecognizes WV Permit
MaineRecognizes WV Permit
MichiganRecognizes WV Permit
MississippiRecognizes WV Permit
MissouriRecognizes WV Permit
MontanaRecognizes WV Permit
NebraskaRecognizes WV Permit
NevadaRecognizes WV Permit
New HampshireRecognizes WV Permit
New MexicoRecognizes WV Permit
North CarolinaRecognizes WV Permit
North DakotaRecognizes WV Permit
OhioRecognizes WV Permit
OklahomaRecognizes WV Permit
PennsylvaniaRecognizes WV Permit
South CarolinaRecognizes WV Permit
TennesseeRecognizes WV Permit
TexasRecognizes WV Permit
UtahRecognizes WV Permit
VermontRecognizes WV Permit
VirginiaRecognizes WV Permit
WisconsinRecognizes WV Permit
WyomingRecognizes WV Permit

It's important to note that reciprocity agreements can change at any time, so it's essential to stay informed and up-to-date on which states recognize your West Virginia concealed carry permit before traveling.

Concealed Carry Laws in West Virginia

West Virginia has a shall-issue policy for concealed carry permits, meaning that applicants who meet the legal requirements must be issued a permit upon application. As per West Virginia concealed carry laws, individuals must be at least 21 years old to carry a concealed firearm.

It is important to note that certain locations are off-limits for concealed carry, even with a permit. These include schools, courthouses, government buildings, and any establishment that serves alcohol. It is also illegal to carry a concealed firearm while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

West Virginia law requires that an individual carry their concealed carry permit on their person whenever they are carrying a concealed firearm. Failure to provide a permit upon request by law enforcement can result in criminal charges.

It is also important to note that West Virginia law allows for the use of deadly force in self-defense if an individual reasonably believes that their safety or the safety of others is at risk.

Individuals who are convicted of certain crimes, such as domestic violence or drug offenses, may be prohibited from obtaining a concealed carry permit in West Virginia. Additionally, individuals who have been involuntarily committed to a mental health facility may also be prohibited from obtaining a concealed carry permit.

Overall, it is important for individuals who carry a concealed firearm to be aware of and adhere to all of the concealed carry laws in West Virginia to avoid potential legal issues and ensure the safety of themselves and those around them.

Obtaining Concealed Carry Permits in West Virginia

For individuals looking to legally carry a concealed firearm in West Virginia, obtaining a concealed carry permit is a necessary process. The following step-by-step guide outlines the requirements and necessary training for obtaining a permit.

Step 1: Meet the Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for a concealed carry permit in West Virginia, individuals must meet the following requirements:

  • Be at least 21 years of age
  • Be a legal resident of West Virginia or a citizen of the United States
  • Not be prohibited from possessing a firearm under state or federal law
  • Not have been convicted of a felony or violent crime
  • Not have been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence
  • Not have been dishonorably discharged from the military

Step 2: Complete the Required Training

Before applying for a concealed carry permit, individuals must complete the necessary training course. This course must be taught by a certified instructor and cover the following topics:

  • Firearm safety and storage
  • Handgun use, cleaning, and maintenance
  • Marksmanship
  • West Virginia concealed carry laws

Upon completion of the course, individuals will receive a certificate of training that must be included in their application.

Step 3: Submit an Application

Individuals must submit their application for a concealed carry permit to their local sheriff's office. The application must include the following:

  • Completed application form
  • Copy of certificate of training
  • Two passport-style photos
  • Fingerprint card for a background check
  • Application fee

After submitting the application, individuals will be subject to a background check. If approved, they will receive their concealed carry permit within 45 days.

Remember, it is important to always follow West Virginia concealed carry laws and regulations, even with a valid permit. Failure to do so can result in the revocation of the permit and potential legal consequences. Stay informed and prioritize safety when carrying a concealed firearm.

Understanding Reciprocity Agreements

Reciprocity for concealed carry in West Virginia refers to the recognition of out-of-state concealed carry permits in the state. As of August 2021, West Virginia has established reciprocity agreements with 34 states.

States that recognize West Virginia concealed carry permits include Florida, Texas, and Virginia. In turn, West Virginia recognizes concealed carry permits from states such as Arizona, Idaho, and Indiana. It is important to note that reciprocity agreements can change, so it is essential to stay informed and up-to-date on current agreements.

To help individuals keep track of concealed carry reciprocity agreements, the West Virginia Attorney General's Office provides a concealed carry reciprocity map. This map outlines which states recognize West Virginia concealed carry permits and which states West Virginia recognizes. It is important to check this map regularly to ensure that you are in compliance with current reciprocity agreements.

Benefits of Concealed Carry Reciprocity

Concealed carry reciprocity in WV provides numerous advantages and benefits for gun owners. One of the most significant benefits is the freedom to travel without worrying about the legalities of carrying a firearm in other states. With reciprocity agreements in place, one can confidently carry a concealed firearm across state lines without fear of prosecution, as long as they possess the necessary permits.

Additionally, concealed carry reciprocity promotes safety by allowing responsible gun owners to carry their firearms for self-defense in an ever-changing and sometimes dangerous world. The ability to legally carry a concealed firearm provides a measure of protection against criminal activity.

Furthermore, concealed carry reciprocity promotes responsible firearm usage by requiring permit holders to undergo training and education on the proper handling and storage of firearms. This training promotes safety and ensures that those who carry concealed firearms are knowledgeable and capable of using them responsibly.

It is important to note that carrying a concealed firearm is a significant responsibility, and permit holders must prioritize safety at all times.

Overall, concealed carry reciprocity in West Virginia promotes safety, freedom, and responsible firearm usage. Responsible gun owners should take advantage of these benefits to protect themselves and their loved ones within the limits of the law.

Concealed Carry Etiquette and Responsibilities

As a concealed carry permit holder in West Virginia, it is essential to abide by certain responsibilities and etiquette when carrying a firearm. Doing so will help ensure the safety of yourself and those around you.

First and foremost, always properly store and handle your firearm. This means keeping your firearm secured at all times, whether on your person or in your vehicle. It is your responsibility to prevent unauthorized access to your firearm.

When carrying a concealed weapon, be aware of your surroundings and maintain situational awareness. Avoid dangerous situations and never display your firearm unless absolutely necessary for self-defense.

It is also important to understand the specific laws and regulations for concealed carry in West Virginia. Familiarize yourself with where it is legal to carry, any restrictions on the type of firearm or ammunition, and any areas where carrying a firearm is prohibited.

Additionally, always be respectful and cooperative with law enforcement. If approached by a police officer, clearly state that you have a concealed carry permit and the location of your firearm. Never reach for your firearm without first being instructed to do so by law enforcement.

Concealed Carry in Public Places

When carrying a concealed firearm in public places such as restaurants or stores, always be respectful of private property owners' rights. If a business has a "No Weapons" policy, respect their wishes and do not carry your firearm inside. Failure to do so could result in legal consequences.

Remember, as a concealed carry permit holder, you have a responsibility to prioritize safety and act in a responsible manner at all times. By following the laws and regulations and adhering to proper etiquette, you can help maintain the safety and freedom of concealed carry in West Virginia.

Reciprocity Changes and Updates

It is essential for concealed carry permit holders in West Virginia to stay up-to-date with any changes or updates to the state's reciprocity agreements. These agreements determine which out-of-state concealed carry permits are recognized in West Virginia, and vice versa.

Reciprocity agreements can change for a variety of reasons, including changes to the laws in either state, changes to permit requirements, or changes to the agreement itself.

Recent Changes to West Virginia's Reciprocity Agreements

As of June 2021, West Virginia has reciprocity agreements with 35 states. However, it is important to note that some of these agreements have restrictions or limitations.

For example, West Virginia only recognizes non-resident permits from certain states. Additionally, some states may only recognize West Virginia permits from individuals who are at least 21 years old.

It is important to thoroughly research the reciprocity agreements between West Virginia and any state you plan to travel to before carrying a concealed firearm.

Staying Informed on Reciprocity Changes

To stay informed on any changes or updates to West Virginia's reciprocity agreements, individuals can check the West Virginia Attorney General's website or contact the West Virginia State Police.

It is also important to periodically check the laws and regulations in any state you plan to travel to, as these can change as well.

By staying informed and up-to-date on reciprocity changes and updates, concealed carry permit holders can ensure they are following the laws and regulations and exercising their rights responsibly.

Reciprocity Considerations for Travelers

For individuals who hold concealed carry permits and plan to travel to or through West Virginia, it is important to be aware of the state's specific laws and regulations.

West Virginia has reciprocity agreements with several other states, allowing individuals with out-of-state permits to carry concealed firearms in the state. However, it is important to note that these agreements may have specific conditions and restrictions. It is crucial to review the reciprocity agreements to ensure compliance with all laws and regulations.

When traveling across state lines with a firearm, it is important to understand the regulations for interstate transportation. Federal law allows individuals to transport firearms between states for lawful purposes, including self-defense. However, it is necessary to comply with all applicable state and local laws, including those relating to concealed carry reciprocity.

It is advisable to research the specific laws and regulations of the states one intends to travel through or to. This will enable you to stay informed, adhere to the laws, and prioritize safety when exercising your concealed carry rights.

Reciprocity and Interstate Transportation of Firearms

When traveling across state lines with a concealed firearm, it is essential to understand the rules and regulations surrounding transportation. In the case of West Virginia, individuals must comply with both the state's concealed carry laws and those of the states they are traveling through or to.

Under West Virginia law, individuals with a valid concealed carry permit may transport a firearm in a vehicle as long as it is unloaded and not readily accessible by the driver or any passengers. Additionally, the firearm must be stored in a locked container or the vehicle's trunk.

It is important to note that reciprocity agreements do not necessarily apply to the transportation of firearms. Therefore, individuals must also be aware of the specific laws and regulations of each state they are traveling through or to and ensure compliance.

For example, some states may require that firearms be stored in a specific manner or restrict the types of ammunition that can be carried. Failure to comply with these laws can result in serious legal consequences.

It is recommended that individuals research and familiarize themselves with the laws of each state they plan to travel through or to before embarking on their journey. This includes checking for any changes or updates to the reciprocity agreements between West Virginia and other states.

Training and Education for Responsible Concealed Carry

When it comes to carrying a concealed firearm, responsible gun owners understand the importance of proper training and education. While West Virginia concealed carry laws do not require additional training beyond the basic permit requirements, it is highly recommended for individuals to seek out additional training opportunities.

By obtaining additional training, individuals can improve their firearm proficiency, learn important situational awareness skills, and gain a deeper understanding of the legal and ethical responsibilities that come with carrying a concealed firearm. Some training options include:

  • Firearm competency courses - These courses provide hands-on training for individuals to become proficient with their firearm and learn proper handling techniques.
  • Advanced training courses - For those who want to take their firearm skills to the next level, advanced courses such as tactical training, defensive shooting, and situational awareness training are available.
  • Legal education courses - It is essential to understand the legal implications of carrying a concealed firearm. Legal education courses can provide individuals with a deeper understanding of the legalities surrounding self-defense, use of force, and firearm ownership.

In addition to seeking out additional training opportunities, it is also important for individuals to stay up-to-date on any changes or updates to West Virginia concealed carry laws and regulations.

By prioritizing ongoing education and training, individuals can become responsible and safe gun owners, while also demonstrating their commitment to protecting themselves and their loved ones.


In conclusion, understanding the intricacies of WV concealed carry reciprocity and West Virginia concealed carry laws is essential for responsible firearm usage. As a professional copywriting journalist, I have provided a comprehensive guide on the basics of concealed carry reciprocity, how to obtain permits, and the regulations that must be followed. It's important to note that reciprocity agreements between states can change, so it's crucial to stay up to date with the latest information. As such, I have also provided insights into updates and considerations for travelers carrying concealed firearms across state lines. Remember, responsible firearm usage involves adhering to all West Virginia concealed carry laws, including proper storage and handling techniques. Adhering to these laws promotes safety and freedom for law-abiding gun owners. Lastly, obtaining additional training beyond the basic requirements is highly encouraged. At the end of the day, the more knowledgeable and trained individuals are, the more responsibly they can exercise their concealed carry rights. Thank you for reading this guide on WV concealed carry reciprocity and West Virginia concealed carry laws.


Q: What is concealed carry reciprocity?

A: Concealed carry reciprocity refers to the recognition of an individual's concealed carry permit from one state by another state. It allows permit holders to legally carry their concealed firearms in states other than their home state, provided that those states have a reciprocal agreement in place.

Q: How does concealed carry reciprocity apply to West Virginia?

A: West Virginia recognizes concealed carry permits from many other states, allowing visitors with valid permits to carry concealed firearms within the state's borders. However, it is important to familiarize oneself with the specific reciprocity agreements and any additional requirements imposed by West Virginia law.

Q: What are the concealed carry laws in West Virginia?

A: In West Virginia, individuals must obtain a concealed carry permit to legally carry a concealed firearm. The state has specific laws governing the application process, training requirements, and restrictions on where concealed carry is allowed. It is essential to understand and comply with these laws to avoid any legal consequences.

Q: How can I obtain a concealed carry permit in West Virginia?

A: To obtain a concealed carry permit in West Virginia, you must meet certain eligibility criteria, complete an application, and undergo the required background check and fingerprinting. Additionally, you may need to complete a certified firearms training course. The process can be further explained by contacting the West Virginia State Police or the local sheriff's office.

Q: What is the process for recognizing out-of-state concealed carry permits in West Virginia?

A: West Virginia has reciprocity agreements with several states, allowing individuals with valid out-of-state concealed carry permits to carry concealed firearms within the state. However, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the specific states included in the reciprocity agreements and understand any additional requirements or restrictions that may apply.

Q: What are the benefits of concealed carry reciprocity in West Virginia?

A: Concealed carry reciprocity provides law-abiding gun owners the freedom and flexibility to protect themselves and their families while traveling or temporarily residing in another state. It promotes personal safety and ensures that individuals who have undergone the necessary training and background checks can exercise their Second Amendment rights.

Q: What responsibilities and etiquette should I adhere to as a concealed carry permit holder?

A: As a concealed carry permit holder, it is essential to prioritize safety and responsibility. This includes proper storage and handling of your firearm, maintaining situational awareness, and following all applicable laws and regulations. Additionally, understanding how to de-escalate potential conflicts and avoiding confrontations is crucial in ensuring the safety of yourself and others.

Q: Are there any recent changes or updates to concealed carry reciprocity agreements in West Virginia?

A: Concealed carry reciprocity agreements can change over time, so it is vital to stay updated with the latest information. It is recommended to regularly check the websites of the West Virginia State Police or the local sheriff's office, as well as consulting with legal professionals knowledgeable in firearms laws.

Q: What considerations should travelers have regarding concealed carry reciprocity in West Virginia?

A: Travelers visiting or passing through West Virginia should familiarize themselves with the state's concealed carry laws and reciprocity agreements. It is crucial to understand where concealed carry is permitted, any restrictions that may apply, and the importance of complying with the laws of both your home state and West Virginia when carrying a concealed firearm.

Q: Can I transport my firearm across state lines in conjunction with concealed carry reciprocity?

A: The interstate transportation of firearms in conjunction with concealed carry reciprocity is subject to federal and state regulations. It is important to adhere to these regulations, ensuring that firearms are transported safely, unloaded, and properly stored. Familiarize yourself with the specific requirements of each state you will be traveling through or to.

Q: Is additional training and education necessary for responsible concealed carry in West Virginia?

A: While West Virginia requires a certain level of training for concealed carry permit applicants, it is always recommended to seek additional training and education. This can help you develop the necessary skills and knowledge to handle and carry a firearm responsibly, ensuring the safety of yourself and others.

This article was updated on October 1, 2023